Online MTS - Get Equipped to Serve Among the Nations

Global South Scholarships

We are excited to offer scholarships to select students currently living in Global South countries. All scholarships are provided at the sole discretion of Global Frontier Missions' Online Missionary Training School staff. Scholarships are based on the criteria below and the amount of available funds in the Online Missionary Training School budget. Scholarships are available for Global South certificate level training only.

Student Criteria:
  • Must live in a Global South country
  • Must show evidence of a basic understanding and desire to grow in cross-cultural ministry while taking the free module
  • Must have a sufficient English level to watch videos, read articles, and respond to assignments
  • Must have a good enough internet connection
  • Must have a strong work ethic and progress through modules in a timely manner
  • Must pay for at least 1 additional module (certificate level) during the program

Scholarship Process:
Sponsor a Global South Laborer by Providing a Scholarship

Did you know that only 3% of all missionaries and only 1% of all missions giving goes to unreached people groups! We want to change that. Global Frontier Missions invites you, your church, or small group to sponsor a student or cohort of Online Missionary Training School. A donation of $30 covers one module for a student or a $500 donation covers the entire training for a missionary that wants to serve among the unreached. You can donate directly and put "global south scholarship" in the additional comments section and we will make sure the entire donation goes to equipping a laborer from the global south with holistic training that will help them be more effective and fruitful serving among the nations.

Want more information about scholarships? Have questions about sponsorhsips?
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