Online MTS - Get Equipped to Serve Among the Nations
Online MTS - Get Equipped to Serve Among the Nations
If accepted, I agree to make all module payments and purchase all required materials for the Online Missionary Training School. I agree to conduct myself in a manner that will bring honor to Christ by being completely honest in assignments, watching all videos, reading all books and articles, and submitting my own work (not plagiarizing others' materials). I will be respectful of others in online communities and forums as well as the teachers and leadership of the school. I agree to obey Global Frontier Missions’ rules and instructions given to me, including not downloading copyrighted material from the online learning environment or copying resources. I will be honest in my communication with Global Frontier Missions, complete all assignments, and participate in all required ministry hours. I understand that noncompliance with Global Frontier Missions’ rules and instructions could result in my being dismissed from the program, forfeiting all tuition.
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A ministry of Global Frontier Missions
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