Online MTS - Get Equipped to Serve Among the Nations
Online MTS - Get Equipped to Serve Among the Nations
I verify to Global Frontier Missions (also referred to as GFM), a religious, non-profit corporation, that I am the named student in the Application Form. I have read the entire website and understand the program, rules, beliefs, and philosophy of ministry of the program. I have researched the accreditation of the Online Missionary Training School as well as the accreditation of the partnering educational institutions, and I understand the degree and/or certificate offered upon completion of the program. I understand the security and technology risk involved in participating in online educational programs. I have considered any potential risk and intend to fully participate in the Online Missionary Training School. I hereby wholly release GFM from any responsibility or liability, and I waive any claims or causes of action against GFM or its agents involving damage, loss of information, credit transfer, security issues, injury, or expense occasioned by any sort of accident or any other circumstance arising from my participation in the Online Missionary Training School.
Furthermore, I give Global Frontier Missions and its agents permission to use quotes from my assignments or papers for promotional or other purposes.
In the event that I am dismissed from the program due to failure to comply with Global Frontier Missions' rules and policies, I agree to take responsibility for any and all additional expenses, arrangements, and inconveniences necessitated by such action, and I agree to release GFM and its agents from all expense and liability, financial or otherwise.
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A ministry of Global Frontier Missions
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